Domain Definitions Tables

Table / Clolumn Column Type Precision Size Scale Nulls References Comments

ZIPADD Lookup table for City, State, Zip

zipid numeric 6 n/a No
Artifical PK since certain zips map to multiple cities
zip char 5 n/a No
The Zip Code
state char 2 n/a No
The State
city varchar2 20 n/a No
The City

STREETDESIG Street Designation
desid numeric 3 n/a No
Artifical PK
description varchar2 25 n/a No
Description (e.g., arterial, freeway, etc.)

JURISDICTION Jurisdiction that property is in

jurisid numeric 6 n/a No
Artifical PK
jurisname varchar2 20 n/a No
Name of Jurisdiction
lastname varchar2 20 n/a Yes
Last Name
firstname varchar2 20 n/a Yes
First Name
middlei char 1 n/a Yes
Middle Initial
street varchar2 20 n/a No
Street Address
zipid number 6 n/a No
Zipaddress determines the city, state and zip
phone char 10 n/a Yes
Phone Number
email varchar2 20 n/a Yes

USAGE Property Usage (e.g., school, gas station, etc.)
usageid numeric 3 n/a No
Artificial PK
usage varchar2 25 n/a No
Description (e.g., school, gas station, etc.)

TYPE Usage Type (e.g., current, subsequent, etc.)
typeid numeric 2 n/a No
Artificial PK
type varchar2 15 n/a No
Description (e.g., current, historical, etc.)

CONTAMINANTS The contaminants
contid numeric 3 n/a No
Contaminant ID (artificial PK)
description varchar2 15 n/a No
Description of contaminant code

ZONING Zoning Information for Property
zoneid numeric 6 n/a No
Artifical PK
code varchar2 10 n/a No
Zone code (not unique across jurisdictions)
description varchar2 15 n/a Yes
Code Description
jurisid numeric 6 n/a Yes JURISDICTION.jurisid (Foreign key)

BROKER Broker Information
brokerid numeric 3 n/a No
Artificial PK
lastname varchar2 20 n/a No
Last Name
firstname varchar2 20 n/a No
First Name
middlei char 1 n/a Yes
Middle Initial
email varchar2 20 n/a Yes
phone char 10 n/a No
Phone Number
street varchar2 20 n/a No
Street Address
zipid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZIPADD.zipid (Foreign key)

OWNER Owner Information
ownerid numeric 6 n/a No
Artificial PK
lastname varchar2 20 n/a No
Last Name
firstname varchar2 20 n/a No
First Name
middlei char 1 n/a Yes
Middle Initial
email varchar2 20 n/a Yes
phone char 10 n/a No
Phone Number
street varchar2 20 n/a No
Street Address
zipid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZIPADD.zipid (Foreign key)

EMPLOYEE Employee Information
employeeid numeric 3 n/a No
Artificial PK
lastname varchar2 20 n/a No
Last Name
firstname varchar2 20 n/a No
First Name
middlei char 1 n/a Yes
Middle Initial
email varchar2 20 n/a Yes
phone char 10 n/a No
Phone Number
street varchar2 20 n/a No
Street Address
ssn char 9 n/a No
Social Security Number
zipid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZIPADD.zipid (Foreign key)

DEVELOPER Developer Information
developerid numeric 5 n/a No
Artificial PK
lastname varchar2 20 n/a No
Last Name
firstname varchar2 20 n/a No
First Name
middlei char 1 n/a Yes
Middle Initial
email varchar2 20 n/a Yes
phone char 10 n/a No
Phone Number
street varchar2 20 n/a No
Street Address
zipid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZIPADD.zipid (Foreign key)


PropID numeric 6 n/a No
PropertyID is the artificial PK
Sold char 1 n/a Yes
Was Property Sold?
Phase1 char 1 n/a Yes
Is it in Phase 1 of development?
Phase2 char 1 n/a Yes
Is it in Phase 2 of development?
Phase3 char 1 n/a Yes
Is it in Phase 3 of development?
RailAccess char 1 n/a Yes
Rail Access for property
APN char 10 n/a Yes
Parcel Number for Property
MapCoords char 10 n/a Yes
Mapping Coordinates
PropSize char 10 n/a Yes
Size of land/property (in acres or sq ft)
AssesNum numeric 10 n/a Yes
Assessor Number for Property
sitename varchar2 25 n/a Yes
Name of the Property
GPD varchar2 25 n/a Yes
General Plan Designation
devpot money 5 2 Yes
Development Potential (percentage)
Incentives varchar2 30 n/a Yes
Redevelopment Incentives
Comments varchar2 30 n/a Yes
Additional Comments for Property
StreetAddress varchar2 30 n/a no
Street address for property
zipid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZIPADD.zipid (Foreign key)
desid numeric 3 n/a Yes STREETDESIG.desid (Foreign key)
zoneid numeric 6 n/a Yes ZONING.zoneid (Foreign key)
ownerid numeric 6 n/a Yes OWNER.ownerid (Foreign key)

ENVSTAT Environmental Status
PropID numeric 6 n/a No PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID (Foreign key) also PK
ContLevel char 1 n/a No
Contamination Level
Contamination varchar2 25 n/a No
What is contaminated?

PropID numeric 6 n/a No PROPERTY.PropID Foreign key from PropID; part of Composite PK
TypeID numeric 2 n/a No TYPE.typeid Foreign key from Type; part of compositePK
usageid numeric 3 n/a Yes USAGE.usageid (Foreign key)

CONTITEM Contaminant Item
contid numeric 3 n/a Yes CONTAMINANTS.contid Contaminant ID (Foreign key) part of the composite PK
PropID numeric 6 n/a Yes PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID (Foreign key) part of the composite PK

DEVSEARCHRESULT Developer Search Result Item
devsearchresid numeric 8 n/a No
Developer Search Result ID (artificial PK)
searchdate date n/a n/a No
Date Search was carried out
developerid numeric 5 n/a Yes DEVELOPER.developerid developerId (Foreign key)
PropID numeric 6 n/a Yes PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID (foreign key)

TAXINFO Property Tax Info
taxid char 7 n/a No
Artificial PK
taxyear numeric 4 n/a Yes
Tax year
assessed money 10 2 Yes
Assessed Value
percentage numeric 3 n/a Yes
Percentage Improvement
taxamount money 9 2 Yes
Tax Amount
status char 1 n/a Yes
Tx Status
tra numeric 6 n/a Yes
TRA Number
exempt char 1 n/a Yes
Tax Exempt?
improvement money 9 2 Yes
Improvement Amount
landamount money 9 2 Yes
Land Amount
PropID numeric 6 n/a No PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID (foreign key)

FININFO Property Financial Info
finid char 7 n/a No
Artificial PK
buyer varchar2 25 n/a Yes
seller varchar2 25 n/a Yes
lender varchar2 25 n/a Yes
lasttrans varchar2 25 n/a Yes
Last Transaction Particulars
saledate date n/a n/a Yes
Sale Date
saleamnt money 9 2 Yes
Sale Amount
firsttd money 9 2 Yes
First Trust Deed
addl money 9 2 Yes
Additional Fin?
docno numeric 9 n/a Yes
Document Number
dolsqft money 9 2 Yes
Dollars Per Square Foot
loantype varchar2 20 n/a Yes
Loan Type
prevdate date n/a n/a Yes
Previous Date
prevamnt money 9 2 Yes
Previous Amount
PropID numeric 6 n/a No PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID (foreign key)

EMPACTIVITY Employee Activity
actid numeric 6 n/a No
Artificial PK
actdate date n/a n/a No
Date of Activity
employeeid numeric 3 n/a Yes EMPLOYEE.employeeid Artificial PK
PropID numeric 6 n/a Yes PROPERTY.PropID PropertyID(foreign key)