Note: Go to our status page to check a question's status.

Fill out the form below. Please keep the following points in mind:

  1. Check the MadSci Archives and the MadSci Library for information before asking a question.

  2. To give an answer, we need to understand what you're asking. Please enter as much background information as possible. The more we know, the easier it is for our scientists to provide an answer.

  3. Questions may be submitted anonymously. You need only enter a question, grade-level and area of science.

  4. We review all questions. 60 - 70% of questions do not pass review. Many are answered by files in our archives. We attempt to notify you why a question does not pass review if you enter a valid email.

  5. An email address is not required. After asking a question you will receive a Message ID# for tracking the status of your question. However, you will not receive direct notification if your question fails review.

  6. How long for an answer? The file Using our site indicates what to expect. We aim for a turn-around time of two weeks. By 2 weeks we are able to respond to 90% of all questions (70% are replied to in 1 week or less). These numbers include questions answered by scientists, and ones not passing review to which the MadSci Moderators reply via email.

  7. Use the form below to submit questions as it expedites their review. Questions received by email will have a additional delays in processing.

  8. We will not send out queries that are rude or overly demanding of our volunteer scientists.

  9. If you have not done so, take this opportunity to read how we handle incoming questions, and our Privacy Policy.

What about MATH?

Dr. Math, provides an interface similar to ours for answering math questions. Dr. FreEMath at the Omaha Freenet fields math questions from elementary school students.

A question, grade-level and "Area of Science" *must* be entered. All other fields are optional.
A valid email is required to receive notification if your question passes review.

First Name: Email:
City: State/Province: Country:

For those outside North America: Grades K-3 (Kindergarten - 3rd grade) correspond to ages 5-7; Grade 4-6 = ages 8-10; Grade 7-9 = ages 11-13; and Grade 10-12 = 14-18 years of age.

Grade: Area of science to which this question belongs:
(What do these words mean?)

Enter your question to fit in the space below. Please avoid subject lines such as "see below" etc.

Comments: Enter further comments (~250 words or less) below. Use this space to tell us more about what, and why, you're asking. Our ablity to answer depends upon understanding your question. Click the cursor in the box to begin. When finished, click Submit or Clear Form to start over.

Note: Our search engine screens all questions to check whether existing files provide an answer. The process may take a few seconds. Please be patient!

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Last modified Tue May 1 19:40:05 2001
The last modification was the best modification.