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Sethi Extended Darvas Box Plotter (Non-Java, HTML Beta)

Sethi Box Plotter

Please enter a valid stock symbol and click "Get Chart Now!" to get its chart (click here to try the Java version).
Click here to see the original, out-dated (but absolutely free for unlimited uses) version: old, basic Sethi Family's Darvas Box Plotter.

Sethi Box Plotter for: AEG (91 days)
Please enter a (valid) stock symbol:

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Top Period (days): Bottom Period (days): Logical Hi/Lo:

Sethi Extended Darvas Box Plotter Chart for symbol: AEG


Please send any suggestions, bugs, or comments you might have to darvas at We'll review each comment personally and, if appropriate, respond asap.

The original, out-dated old, basic Sethi Family's Darvas Box Plotter will always remain up (and remain free... heck, we won't even require registration! :). The Sethi Extended Darvas Box Plotter (including the application, applet, and non-Java/regular HTML versions), however, will be part of the Sethi Investments Advisory Newsletter, which will also include the results of the stock scanner derived from these applications, either on a subscription or purchase basis.

— Dr. Sethi